Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New Stuff At Tertiary

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Hey Hey! Life's been great for the ol' Poor Claymator. I finished animating "The Blind Date" and I've started pre-production on "The Walk," As well as working on some top-secret fun stuff. Anyway, make sure you catch all the new news at my new Tertiary Production Blog. See you all soon!
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Unknown said...

I hear there's a Guardian Robot in this one. Is that true?

Shelley Noble said...

HI Ryan, I don't want to join Moli right now but I wanted to be sure you knew how impressed I am with your work! Great stuff! The Blue Calf was well done especially. The sculpts, the sets, lighting, and characters look inviting, cheerful and fun.

And you move so quickly! My Goodness you are running through films like you're life is being shot at a different frame rate from the rest of us in the world!

Congratulations and gogogo!